Our Books

We currently have 22 titles shown below.


    We also publish classic literature, staring in 2021.  Please see our "Classic Books" page to see these editions as they become available. 

   Click on any title to be taken to a full description of the book, and direction to purchase a copy.  


Our Current Book Authors:

Mrs. Sharon White ( 20 Titles )

Mrs. Connie Hultquist ( 2 Titles )


Books by Mrs. White 


1.  "Seeking a Thrifty and Simple Life: Encouragement for Christian Homeschooling.

by Mrs. Sharon White


Published November 2024

ISBN: 978-1956616-35-4

Paperback, 112 pages.

2.  . "Hymns for Revival: Devotional with 28 Old Time Hymns.

 {Volume 3 of 3 Hymn books}


 Published August 2024.

ISBN: 978-1-956616- 34-7  (6 x 9, Paperback, 126 pages.)






3.  . "Hymns for the Home and Family: Devotional with 28 Hymns and Christmas Songs.

 {Volume 2 of 3 Hymn books}


 Published August 2024.

ISBN: 978-1-956616- 33-0  (6 x 9, Paperback, 126 pages.)





4.  . "Hymns for the Fireside: Devotional with 28 Classic Hymns."

  {Volume 1 of 3 Hymn books}

Published August 2024.

ISBN: 978-1-956616- 32-3  (6 x 9, Paperback, 126 pages.)






5.  . "House Keeping in Hard Times: Essays and Encouragement from a Christian Housewife.

by Mrs. Sharon White


Published February 2024, available in paperback and hardcover editions. 

ISBN: 978-1956616286  (6 x 9, Paperback, 180 pages.)

ISBN: 978-1956616316 (6 x 9, Hardcover, 180 pages.)


6. "Serving in the Kitchen: Cookbook with Recipes, Advice, and Encouragement for the Christian Home," by Mrs. Sharon White

~Reached # 1 Best Sellers List in Tablesetting and Budget Cooking~

Published November 2023, available in both paperback and hardcover editions.


 ISBN: 978-1956616194  (6 x 9, Paperback, 152 pages.)


 ISBN: 978-1956616231  (6 x 9, Hardcover, 152 pages.)



7. "Gracious House Keeping: Advice, Encouragement, and Cleaning Help for the Christian Housewife." by Mrs. Sharon White


Published November 2022, available in both paperback and hardcover editions.

ISBN: 978-1956616187   ( 6 x 9, Paperback, 115 pages.)

ISBN: 978-1956616200    (6 x 9, Hardcover, 115 pages.)

8. "Prentiss Study Deluxe Edition:  90 Day Devotional Bible Study using the book Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss" by Mrs. Sharon White


Published December 2021.

105 pages in both paperback and hardcover editions. 

9. Homemaking for Happiness:  Wonderful Days at Home 

by Mrs. Sharon White


First Edition: May 2021

Second Edition: December 2023

228 pages, available in both paperback and hardcover editions.

10. An Old Fashioned Budget:  Humble Financial Management for the Christian Housewife by Mrs. Sharon White

Published, November 2019
77 pages, paperback

11. Introduction to Home Economics: Gentle Instruction to Find Joy in Christian Homemaking by Mrs. Sharon White

Published, September 2018
200 pages, paperback

12. At Mother's House - The Blessing of Being a Christian Housewife
by Mrs. Sharon White

Published, November 2016
122 pages, paperback.

13. Living on His Income- Remembrances and Advice for the Christian Housewife
by Mrs. Sharon White

Published, May 2014
64 pages, paperback. 

14. Mother's Book of Home Economics - Remembrances, Letters and Essays from a New England Housewife by Mrs. Sharon White

Published November 2013

312 pages, paperback. 

15.  Mother's Hour - Encouragement from Home for The Christian Housewife
by Mrs.Sharon White

Published, November 2015
128 pages, paperback.

16. Early Morning Revival Challenge - 90 Day Bible Study (With Journaling, Prayer, Reading Psalms and Proverbs and Quotes from Ministers.)
 by Mrs. Sharon White

First Edition: August 2013

Second Edition: January 2024

 116 pages, available in both paperback and hardcover editions. 

17. For The Love of Christian Homemaking - Pleasant Visits from my Parlour
by Mrs. Sharon White

~ Our Best Selling Book ~

Published December, 2012.
274 pages, paperback.

18. Economy For the Christian Home - A 12 - Week Challenge for Wives to Increase Charitable Giving by Mrs. Sharon White

Published, February 2015
110 pages, paperback.

19. Old Fashioned Motherhood - Baby and Childcare Advice from a New England Housewife  by Mrs. Sharon White

Published, August 2014
Paperback, 62 pages.

20.  Mother's Faith - Essays, Lamentations, and Encouragement from a Christian Mother of Waywards by Mrs. Sharon White

1st Edition:  Published December, 2012.
2nd Edition: Published April, 2013.
102 pages, paperback. 

More Titles Coming Soon.. . .


Books (and CD ) by Mrs. Connie Hultquist

1. Dear Kitchen Saints: Letters from an Iowa Housewife
by Mrs. Connie Hultquist

Published July, 2013
334 pages, paperback. 

2.  Dear Christmas Mothers
by Mrs. Connie Hultquist

Published, December 2013
116 pages, paperback. 

3. Christmas at Connie's - The Home Recordings 1996

Music CD        (This item is no longer available.)

{This is a companion resource to Connie Hultquist's book, "Dear Christmas Mothers."}

Published April 2014
Running time:  26 minutes

Connie's family singing Christmas songs when 3 of her children were young.  It is endearing and homemade.
